Established in October 2017, this working group aims to develop the Center’s collective expertise in mapping and spatial modeling of infectious diseases. These efforts include developing learning resources for other center members while working on collaborative mapping/modeling projects to provide hands-on experience to group members. We have developed tutorials for disease mapping using the R programming language and have recently completed a species distribution model of Echinococcus multilocularis, a tapeworm of global public health concern. We are currently a team of graduate students, post-docs and faculty from a variety of disciplines and departments with a common interest in mapping infectious diseases. We meet approximately twice a month for an hour and all who are interested in woking with us are welcome to join. We ask that those interested in collaborating our ongoing research projects first become formal members of the group; however, anyone who is interested in our various outreach events may attend our biweekly meetings. If you are interested in participating in our working group, please contact TJ Odom, group Chair, at
Working Group Members:
TJ Odom, Chair