As an intellectual community where scientific curiosity is valued, the CEID seeks to address the problems at the intersection of ecology and infectious diseases by developing innovative technical methods and novel collaborative approaches, which draw upon the various fields vested in infectious disease research. Our center welcomes participation from anyone wanting to learn and contribute. Whether you are a professional scientist, graduate or undergraduate student, or an industry professional seeking answers to today’s pressing infectious disease issues, we aim to incorporate all relevant perspectives into effective solutions.
Opportunities for Participation
- Join the CEID mailing list – receive our official newsletter, information on center events, posting of opportunities, and general discussion
- Attend a CEID educational event. The following learning opportunities are held at regular intervals throughout the semester, generally on Wednesdays at 12:20 in seminar room 17 in the Odum School of Ecology. Event announcements are circulated via the CEID mailing list.
- Disease Ecology Workshop – provide an opportunity for UGA researchers to present work in progress. The focus is broad in scope and the format is intended to generate constructive feedback, synthesis, and new ideas.
- Computational Clinics – a forum for teaching modeling techniques
- Research Seminars – engaging lectures by visiting faculty on a range of topics
- Center Membership – If you believe your expertise and research could benefit from a relationship with our center, please contact our staff ( and request more information about membership. The benefits of membership include promotion of your publications, administrative support from CEID staff, and affiliation with an intellectual community of individuals from the various fields vested in infectious disease research. Membership expectations include participation at CEID events, and a request to list the CEID as a secondary affiliation on any thematically relevant publications. There is no cost to CEID membership, and membership is not excluded to individuals currently affiliated with UGA.