Impact of Urbanization on Mercury and Salmonella in White Ibis

CEID members Stacey Lance and Sonia Hernandez are authors on a recent paper investigating the complex interactions between mercury (Hg) exposure, urbanization, and Salmonella infection in White Ibis. The study aimed to determine whether urbanization affects mercury levels in these birds and if mercury exposure influences their susceptibility to Salmonella. […]

Study Extends Geographic Range of Baylisascaris procyonis in Georgia Rodents

CEID members Michael Yabsley and Christopher Cleveland are authors on a recent paper that has revealed new insights into the prevalence of Baylisascaris procyonis, commonly known as raccoon roundworm, among wild rodents in central Georgia. This zoonotic parasitic nematode, primarily found in raccoons, can infect a range of animals, including […]

Identifying Research Emphasis in Bat Disease Dynamics

Bats are incredibly diverse organisms with over 1400 species documented worldwide, occupying a variety of ecological niches. This diversity extends to their status as pathogen reservoirs. Bats are host to a wide range of pathogens that includes Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, Rabies, and coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2. […]

Balancing Act: Study Reveals Maternal Vaccination’s Dual Role in Protecting Newborns and Influencing Infant Immunity Dynamics

Prior to large scale immunization programs introduced in the 1940s, pertussis, or whooping cough, was a leading cause of childhood mortality. Despite this, pertussis has experienced a resurgence in recent decades, the cause for which remains a contested subject. One hypothesis suggests that immunological blunting—where maternally transferred antibodies potentially interfere […]

Extreme Heat Hurts Monarchs and Their Parasites

Monarch butterflies in North America are plagued by a debilitating protozoan parasite. A new study from the University of Georgia showed that constant exposure to high temperatures severely limits parasite development and also lowers monarch survival. The findings, recently published in Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B, have implications […]

Rising Risk: Study Shows Alarming Increase in Parasite Prevalence in U.S. Wild Pigs

The expansion of wild pig populations in the United States threatens increased agricultural damage, disruption of fragile ecosystems, and the transmission of disease to livestock and human populations. Wild pigs are highly adaptable animals that reproduce quickly, and their distribution is spreading rapidly. This expanding range necessitates greater surveillance and […]

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