Examining Predictive Malaria Dynamics Factors at the Local Level

Measures to control malaria have created significant progress in addressing disease spread across many countries in the past few decades. Between 2001 and 2013, there has been a 47% decrease in malaria mortality rates globally, but despite this improvement, countries with limited healthcare resources and access often struggle with malaria […]

The Economic Burden of Invasive Species in North America

Invasive species are organisms which are not native to a particular area and can have a devastating and widespread impact on economics, ecosystems, and human health. These detrimental impacts include decreased biodiversity, fitness, and abundance of native species in the area. Impacts can also include damaged infrastructure, diminished agricultural yields, […]

Utilizing Models to Estimate Vaccine Duration Protection

As new infectious diseases emerge, the development of vaccines is essential in boosting immunity in the population. Understanding the properties of vaccines is important from a public health perspective to better optimize immunization strategies and forecasting. However, in the early stages of vaccine rollout it can be difficult to estimate […]

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