Financial support from individual, foundation, and corporate partners is crucial for CEID to continue driving research and educating the next generation of scientists. While many of our projects are funded by grants and contracts, core CEID programs and cross-disciplinary collaboration depend on special funding. Regardless of size, your gift has an impact.
You can also mail a check, payable to the UGA Foundation, to: UGA Gift Accounting Office, 394 South Milledge Avenue, Suite 100, Athens GA 30602. Please be sure to indicate “Ecology – CEID” on the memo line. If you are interested in creating an endowment, establishing a planned gift, or discussing sponsorship or contract opportunities, please contact Dr. John Drake.
How Does Your Gift Support CEID’s Mission?
All gifts received in FY21 will support research on COVID-19 and additional training for postdoctoral researchers.
Support for COVID-19 Research
On January 24, 2020, CEID formed the Coronavirus Working Group, a group of about 30 scientists with data science expertise in data interpretation, visualization, GIS, machine learning, computational statistics, and dynamical modeling. Financial support of the CEID ensures the coronavirus working group has the human and material resources necessary to develop data-driven, information rich tools for situation awareness about the rapidly changing conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial support allows us to onboard additional researchers, and provide material support for projects including:
- Developing models for understanding COVID-19 transmission
- Estimating the actual pandemic size, given asymptomatic and presymptomatic cases may not be included in case counts
- Assessing the effectiveness of various public health interventions on containment
Training for Postdoctoral Researchers
CEID operates a competitive postdoctoral research program, known as CEID Postdoctoral Scholars. This program invites most promising early-career scientists to UGA to join our research on Ebola, Zika, Dengue and the ecology of all infectious diseases. The “postdoc” – a position similar to residency in clinical medicine – is one of the most important, but overlooked stages of scientific training. CEID Postdoctoral Scholars dedicate themselves to research and training in preparation to assume faculty positions and launch labs of their own. The inaugural CEID Postdoctoral Scholars and their projects are:
- Lewis Bartlett — Emerging pathogens of honey bees
- Emlyn Resetarits — Nutrient cycling by parasites in a marshland ecosystem
- Elizabeth Warburton — Community structure in host-parasite assemblages
Financial support will provide funding for additional cohorts of this program, ensuring high-quality training for tomorrow’s leaders in the study of the ecology of infectious diseases.