Versteria species infections and implications for human health

The Versteria genus includes two species of tapeworm, the Versteria mustelae, and an unnamed species that has been implicated in the fatal infections of various intermediate host species across North America. Given that relatively little is known about this unnamed species, researchers are interested in further characterizing the tapeworm and […]

Impacts of hydrogen peroxide on honey bee foraging preferences

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are an iconic species in the United States known for their distinctive appearance, production of honey and unique social structure that prioritizes the wellbeing of the group as a whole rather than as individuals. This unusual approach to survival results in honey bees investing in group […]

An evaluation of host-virus network sciences

Whether due to improved surveillance or an increasing rate of emergence, our awareness about the number of viruses that can infect humans continues to increase.  Viral zoonoses are a predominant reason why infectious diseases continue to increase in human populations.  Zoonotic viral pathogens have the potential to jump from animal […]

The Impacts of Neonicotinoid Exposure in Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies have captivated the public and scientists for years. Their lengthy annual migrations across states and countries have been a focal point for research. Exclusively feeding on milkweed plants, monarchs evolved to sequester cardenolide toxins from the plants that are converted into a predator defense mechanism. However, because of […]

Characteristics of the 100 largest modern zoonotic disease outbreaks

The majority of emerging human diseases are anticipated to occur from zoonotic events – Ebola hemorrhagic fever and salmonellosis are examples of infectious diseases that began when pathogens jumped from wild animals into humans. Most modern outbreaks are quickly brought under control and result in fewer than 100 cases. However, […]

Spillover of zoonotic pathogens: A review of reviews

The authors of this paper systematically reviewed a collection of 88 review papers from 10 disciplines with four distinct goals in mind. They wanted to describe key elements in main spillover processes, identify disciplines that discuss spillover and compare their foci, identify shared interest across disciplines, and summarize gaps in […]

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